Ferienwohnung Santa Rosa Ferienwohnung Santa RosaFerienwohnung Santa RosaFerienwohnung Santa RosaFerienwohnung Santa RosaFerienwohnung Santa RosaFerienwohnung Santa RosaFerienwohnung Santa RosaFerienwohnung Santa RosaFerienwohnung Santa RosaFerienwohnung Santa RosaFerienwohnung Santa RosaFerienwohnung Santa RosaFerienwohnung Santa RosaFerienwohnung Santa RosaFerienwohnung Santa Rosa
Holiday Accommodation type
Einrichtungen :
Internet access Parking Schwimmbecken /Swimmingpool
Number of rooms : 1 Number of rooms : 1
Maximum capacity : 4 people Maximum capacity : 4 people
Adresse: (Karte ansehen )

Via Cassoli, 34 INT 1

44121 Ferrara



Telefonnummer der Rezeption +39 334 3332484
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small independent apartment for tourists, equipped with everything you need as you were at home. Ideal for families, groups of friends, business people, students, vacation or romantic trip. Ferrara is one of Italy's most culturally rich, with finds of Etruscan ships. The whole town still bears the imprint of the Estense family, with its splendid castle and the medieval walls intact (UNESCO world heritage) in their natural environment with delightful trails (15 km) lined around the entire city.

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ffnungszeitraum : 13/02 - 13/02
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