Profitieren Sie von den Vorteilen einer Mitgliedschaft ?

-> As a Member, provides you with a whole number of free services : 

  1. Search the Bed and Breakfasts or chains according to your needs
  2. Write your own reviews 
  3. Rate the Bed and Breakfasts you know
  4. Select your Bed and Breakfast precisely thanks to the other users' reviews and ratings
  5. Get the last special offers


-> As a Business user (Tour Operator, Travel Agency, Seminar Organizer...), provides your with a whole number of free services: 

  1. Searching the Bed and Breakfasts or chains according to your needs 
  2. Selecting your partners precisely thanks to the other business users' reviews and ratings
  3. Requesting for proposals among the Bed and Breakfasts and chains of your selection

All for free!


-> As an accommodation's owner, using provides your accommodation (whether Bed and Breakfast or Self Catering) with a whole number of free services : 

  1. Free registration of your accommodation 
  2. Listing of your accommodation's facilities
  3. Free link to your e-mail
  4. Networking with business clubs, groups and associations


Other options are also available : 

  1. Top position of your accommodation  on the searching list
  2. Promotional insert of your accommodation 
  3. Subscription to notifying messages about business groups, clubs and associations looking for an accommodation 
  4. Promoting your accommodation on newsletters
  5. Circulation of your special offers


-> As a chain, using provides your chain with a whole number of free services:  

  1. Free registration of your chain
  2. Listing of  your accommodations' facilities 
  3. Free link to your e-mail 
  4. Networking with business clubs, groups and associations


Other options are also available :

  1. Top position of your chain and accommodations on the searching list 
  2. Promotional insert of your accommodations 
  3. Subscription to notifying messages about business groups, clubs and associations looking for an accommodation  
  4. Promoting your chain on newsletters 
  5. Circulation of your special offers 

Bereits Mitglied? Anmelden:

Anmeldung  gratis

