Holiday Accommodation type
Guest house Guest house
Einrichtungen :
Parking Schwimmbecken /Swimmingpool
Number of rooms : 5 Number of rooms : 5
Maximum capacity : 10 Maximum capacity : 10
Adresse: (Karte ansehen )

Douar Aït Hamed - Ounagha

44000 Essaouira


Telefonnummer der Rezeption 00212524783467
Fax : 00212524783101
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The RYAD DES VIGNES accommodation is located at : Douar Aït Hamed - Ounagha, 44000, Essaouira, Marokko,
The phone number is : 00212524783467.
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Gesprochene Sprachen:
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ffnungszeitraum : 17/02
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