Perché registrarsi ?

Using provides your accommodation (whether Bed and Breakfast or Self Catering) with a whole number of free services :


  1. Free registration of your accommodation (whether Bed and Breakfast or Self Catering)
  2. Listing of your accommodation's facilities
  3. Free link to your e-mail
  4. Networking with business clubs, groups and associations



Other options are also available :


  1. Top position of your accommodation (whether Bed and Breakfast or Self Catering) on the searching list
  2. Promotional insert of your accommodation (whether Bed and Breakfast or Self Catering)
  3. Subscription to notifying messages about business groups, clubs and associations looking for an accommodation (whether Bed and Breakfast or Self Catering)
  4. Promoting your accommodation on newsletters
  5. Circulation of your special offers


My accommodation has already been registered :



I want to register and list my Bed & Breakfast or Self Catering accommodation (for free) :

* Campi obbligatori