Holiday Accommodation type
Facilities :
Parking Pets allowed Non-smoking rooms
Number of rooms : 5 Number of rooms : 5
Maximum capacity : 15 Maximum capacity : 15
Address : (View map )

La Source

Hautes-Alpes (05)


Reception phone number : 0033(0)492586781
Fax number : 0033(0)492586781
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Located in 2 hectares of grass and woodland with giant sequoia trees in the the Buech valley, La Source offers calm and tranquillity. We have 5 bedrooms for 2-4 people, 3 with en-suite facilities. Breakfast and evening meals are taken in either the large kitchen or on the sunny terrace. Corner kitchen with fridge and microwave at your disposal.Next to the GR94 route for walking/hiking also mountain biking,climbing,flying,potholing,horse-riding,
swimming and fishing are all close by.

Spoken languages :
fr en
Opening period : 19/01 - 31/12
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