Holiday Accommodation type
Self Catering / Country Cottage Self Catering / Country Cottage
Facilities :
Internet access Pets allowed
Number of rooms : 2 Number of rooms : 2
Maximum capacity : 4 Maximum capacity : 4
Address : (View map )

7 chemin de la Madrague

13820 Restores the Ensuès

Bouches-du-Rhone (13)


Reception phone number : 0033442459650
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In 50 m of the sea, the rural shelters in the hollow of a quiet and wild creek of the blue rib(coast): Madrague de Gignac, in front of Marseille and its islands. Ideal rent of holidays for the amateurs of tranquillity, drives(rides), dive. Situated between Marseille and Martigues close to Carry le Rouet and to numerous places of interest of Provence (Martigues, Black currant,

Spoken languages :
fr en es
Opening period : 04/01 - 02/01
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