Holiday letting B&B Joseph House Inn Inc Holiday letting B&B Joseph House Inn IncHoliday letting B&B Joseph House Inn Inc
Holiday Accommodation type
Bed and Breakfast Bed and Breakfast
Facilities :
Address : (View map )

376 Yaney St

93514 Bishop

Inyo County

United States

Reception phone number : 760-872-3389
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Much much more than a hotel, this Bed & Breakfast is located in a lush oasis in Bishop, CA off of Hwy 395 in the high desert between the Sierras to the west and the White Mountains to the east. The route from Las Vegas passing through Death Valley is stunning and then onto scenic US 395 travelling between the majestic White Mountain and Eastern Sierra Ranges. Joseph House Inn is the ideal layover and enjoy a trip into the White Mountains to view the oldest trees in the world.

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Opening period : 22/04 - 22/04
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Food offered by the Bed and Breakfast

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Friendly atmosphere in the holiday accommodation

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Location of the holiday accommodation

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Maintenance and cleanliness of the accommodation

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Maintenance and cleanliness of the bedroom

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Quietness of the holiday rental

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Room comfort

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Value for Money

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Overall rating 

Recommend this accommodation

Perfect accommodation for a group of friends
Perfect accommodation for couples
Perfect accommodation for families with teenagers
Perfect accommodation for families with young kids
Perfect accommodation for individuals
Perfect accommodation for seniors
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